Fake/replica purses and bags

February 29 2008

It is ILLEGAL to sell fake/replica bags and so knock-off bags are not allowed to be listed for-sale on LCYS, ECYS or SYS.

You many not care that the bag you are purchasing is a knock-off----just be aware that Customs officials in the airport may confiscate your bag.

If you have a "designer inspired" purse that is fine---most purses at Target are designer inspired.

Knock-off/replica/fake bags are not "designer inspired"----they have fake logo's and markings on them to look like the real deal.

Should you suspect knock-off bags are being posted on LCYS, ECYS or SYS---flag them off. If you unknowningly purchased a fake purse under the pretense that it was real---please file a police report with the local authorities.

Purse Parties in recent years have been linked to organized crime. Do a google search of "purse parties and organized crime" and you will find plenty of reading material.

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